Here you can find out about handling and maintenance of selected Kaweco writing instruments.
Instructions for all Kaweco writing systems can be found here
Here you can find out about handling and maintenance of selected Kaweco writing instruments.
Instructions for all Kaweco writing systems can be found here
In addition to consulting your specialty retailer, where you purchased your Kaweco product, you may also use our Kaweco after sales service. In order to maintain the good name our brand has acquired, we are very interested in handling any necessary repairs in the best possible way. Therefore, we ask you to send us your defective writing instrument or accessory and to keep following points in mind:
You can be sure that the repair of your Kaweco pen no matter which writing system, will be carried out expertly and inexpensively. Even the most difficult repairs will be taken care of and your pen will be delivered to you as soon as possible, via regular courier services.
Your Kaweco Repair Service Team
Our team can be reached from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 4:00 pm at +49 (0)911 81866-35 or just write us an e-mail to:
Please check if there is still an ink cartridge in the barrel, as every new fountain pen is already equipped with an ink cartridge, so that it is ready to write immediately. Additionally, please make sure that the thread is clean and that it is not damaged by accidentally dropping it.
If that does not help, please contact our customer service: We are looking forward to hearing from you.
If a fountain pen does not write, there can be several reasons. After prolonged non-use of the fountain pen, it is quite possible that the nib section has dried up. If this is the case, you can clean your pen with lukewarm water and a converter. Instructions on this topic can be found here:
Video: Kaweco Tutorial DIA2. How to flush the nib?
In addition, you should check, whether the nib section is screwed in properly and the ink cartridge is correctly placed on the piercer. The following instructions can help you: Kaweco Instruction
If this information does not help, please contact our customer service:
Kaweco uses various raw materials to produce writing instruments. Most writing instruments have a protective coating so that the surface does not change. However, some models are made of raw materials. [e.g. brass, copper, blued stainless steel or aluminum]. These pens are intended to develop changes on the surface, as this gives the writing instruments an unique character.
If you have further questions, please contact the customer service:
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
If a fountain pen blots, it can have various causes. Please make sure that your fountain pen is completely cleaned. Ink residue could get into the cap and / or between the grip section and nib unit. These parts must be absolutely clean.
Please check if the pressure ratio has changed, for example during air travel, mountaineering trips etc. If the air pressure increases, the air in an ink cartridge or converter spreads and pushes the ink out. Therefore, it is recommended, especially during air travel, to either take out the used ink-cartridge or to place a completely new one into the fountain pen, to reduce the air to a minimum.
If you have further questions, please contact the customer service:
You have a historic Kaweco from the last century and you want to have this writing instrument professionally repaired? We have a reliable partner for this case. Please contact Mr. Lutz Fiebig.
Kaweco writing instruments are manufactured by a modular system. For the plastic writing instruments, such as CLASSIC, SKYLINE and FROSTED SPORT, there is a matching grip section with an integrated nib section for every fountain pen. Here it is not possible to change the nib section only.
For all other series, you can either screw in a 060 nib section or for the SUPRA and ELITE series a 250 nib section, as all higher-priced Kaweco writing instruments are equipped with a screw thread.
Instructions on this topic can be found here:
PDF: Kaweco Instruction
Video: Kaweco Tutorial STUDENT. How to change the nib?
If you are having trouble with the nib section change, please contact the customer service:
We have experienced that even left-handers can write well with our selection of nibs. Basically, a finer nib is recommended for left-handers, so that the ink dries faster and can’t be blurred as easily.
Special left-handed nibs are not available in the current Kaweco range.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer service:
Some of our products are offered with "raw" materials. We therefore make sure to use appropriate material for all parts that are constantly in contact with the skin. For example, the parts of Kaweco Sport BRASS are made of so-called "lead-free brass". For other parts, such as the inner workings of the mechanics, normal brass is used, which contains a small amount of lead. Lead is therefore added to the brass, found in various alloys, so that the brass is easier to work with and more flexible.
Essentially, we strictly observe the applicable limit values, regardless of the material we process; health comes first, for our employees as well as for our customers.
Kaweco inks are optimised for use with fountain pens and are therefore water-soluble, and as such not document-proof. Kaweco ball pen refills are certified to the ISO 12757-2 standard, meaning they are smudge-proof, non-erasable, lightfast, waterproof and chemically resistant. Kaweco rollerball refills, on the other hand, are not document-proof, so it is advisable to use our ballpoint pens for important documents.
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